Source code for algovision.control_structures

# Copyright (c) Felix Petersen.
# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

from algovision.core import *

[docs]class If(AlgoModule):
[docs] def __init__( self, condition, if_true=None, if_false=None, epsilon=None, hard=None, debug=None, ): super(If, self).__init__() self.condition = condition self.if_true = if_true self.if_false = if_false self.epsilon = epsilon self.hard = hard self.debug = debug
def __call__(self, state: State) -> State: p = self.condition(state) if self.debug: print(p) assert len(p.shape) >= 1, p.shape assert p.shape[0] == state.batch_size, (p.shape, state.batch_size) state_true = state state_false = state.clone() if self.if_true is not None and (p > self.epsilon).any(): if isinstance(self.if_true, AlgoModule): state_true = self.if_true(state_true) elif isinstance(self.if_true, list): for module in self.if_true: state_true = module(state_true) else: assert False, ('The true case has to be either None, an AlgoModule, or a list of AlgoModules; ' 'however, it is {}: {}'.format(type(self.if_true), self.if_true)) if self.if_false is not None and ((1 - p) > self.epsilon).any(): if isinstance(self.if_false, AlgoModule): state_false = self.if_false(state_false) elif isinstance(self.if_false, list): for module in self.if_false: state_false = module(state_false) else: assert False, ('The false case has to be either None, an AlgoModule, or a list of AlgoModules; ' 'however, it is {}: {}'.format(type(self.if_false), self.if_false)) if not self.hard: state_true.merge(state_false, 1 - p) else: # In case of hard, both cases are still executed as the condition might hold for some elements in the batch. state_true.merge(state_false, 1 - (p > .5).float()) return state_true
[docs]class While(AlgoModule):
[docs] def __init__( self, condition, *sequence, max_iter=None, epsilon=None, hard=None, debug=None, ): super(While, self).__init__() self.condition = condition self.sequence = sequence self.max_iter = max_iter self.epsilon = epsilon self.hard = hard self.debug = debug
def __call__(self, state: State) -> State: p_after = self.condition(state) p_before = torch.ones_like(p_after) i = 0 accumulate_state = state.clone() accumulate_state.reset() accumulate_state.add(state, p_before - p_after) if self.debug: print('Before WHILE', p_before - p_after) print('state', state) print('accumulate_state', accumulate_state) print('-'*80) while p_after.max() > self.epsilon and i < self.max_iter: for elem in self.sequence: state = elem(state) p_before = p_after p_after = p_after * self.condition(state) accumulate_state.add(state, p_before - p_after) if self.debug: print('Inside WHILE', p_before - p_after, accumulate_state) print('state', state) print('accumulate_state', accumulate_state) print('-'*80) i += 1 accumulate_state.add(state, p_after) if self.debug: print('After WHILE', p_before - p_after) print('state', state) print('accumulate_state', accumulate_state) print('-'*80) return accumulate_state
[docs]class For(AlgoModule):
[docs] def __init__( self, var: str, range_or_list: Union[int, list, iter, str, LambdaType], *sequence: AlgoModule, ): super(For, self).__init__() self.var = var if isinstance(range_or_list, and not isinstance(range_or_list, str): range_or_list = list(range_or_list) self.range_or_list = range_or_list self.sequence = sequence
def __call__(self, state: State) -> State: if isinstance(self.range_or_list, int): range_or_list = range(self.range_or_list) elif isinstance(self.range_or_list, list): range_or_list = list(self.range_or_list) elif isinstance(self.range_or_list, LambdaType): input_args = inspect.getfullargspec(self.range_or_list)[0] args = [state[k] for k in input_args] range_or_list = self.range_or_list(*args) if isinstance(range_or_list, range_or_list = list(range_or_list) assert type(range_or_list) in [int, list], ( 'The return value of the lambda expression has to be one of [int, list, iter] but was type ' '{}. It was supposed to be used as range_or_list in a For loop'.format(type(range_or_list)) ) elif isinstance(self.range_or_list, str): range_or_list = state[self.range_or_list] assert isinstance(range_or_list, int) or isinstance(range_or_list, list), ( 'The variable {}, which was used for range_or_list should be an int or a list of ints but was neither. ' 'It was {} of type {}.'.format(self.range_or_list, range_or_list, type(range_or_list)) ) else: assert False, ( 'Invalid type {} for range_or_list. Supported is Union[int, list, iter, str, LambdaType]. ' '({})'.format(type(self.range_or_list), self.range_or_list) ) if isinstance(range_or_list, int): range_or_list = range(range_or_list) if self.var in state.state: var_existed = True assert False, 'The variable used in a For loop ({}) must not exist in the outer scope.'.format(self.var) else: var_existed = False # state.state[self.var] = torch.zeros(state.batch_size, device=state.get_device()) state.state[self.var] = 0 for i in range_or_list: state[self.var] = i for elem in self.sequence: state = elem(state) if not var_existed: del state.state[self.var] return state