If-Else and While Control Structures


To define an If or While statement, it is necessary to define the respective Condition. This may be done via conditions such as Eq (equal), IsTrue, LT (less than), and GT (greater than). See the API for a list of all conditions: Conditions. In general, the tensors used for the condition, should be of shape [B, ], i.e., apart from batching be scalars, as the probability of execution should be a scalar value.


The If module implements If-Else statements and may be used in the following way:

    # ...
    If(LT('a', lambda b: b + 1),  # corresponds to: if a < b + 1:
            # ... instructions and control structures ...
            # ... instructions and control structures ...
    # ...

The if_true or if_false may also be omitted here.


    # ...
    While(LT('a', lambda b: b + 1),  # corresponds to: while a < b + 1:
        # ... instructions and control structures ...
    # ...

While blocks consider two additional hyperparameters: max_iter and epsilon, which corresponds to the maximum number of iterations and the minimum probability for continuing the loop. These hyperparameters (similar to beta) can be set locally for each instance or globally as an argument for the algorithm. Note that if a global and a local value are given, the local value is preferred.