Basic Instructions

At the core of our framework lies the Algorithm class, which is a torch.nn.Module. To implement an algorithm, follow the following structure:

algo = Algorithm(
    # ... more input arguments ...
    Var('y', torch.tensor(0.)),
    # ... more variables ...
    Let('y', 'x'),  # corresponds to y = x
    # ... more instructions ...
    # ... more return values ...
    # optionally define hyperparameters like beta

and to execute simply run algo(x) where x is a respective PyTorch tensor of shape [B, ] where B is the batch size.

In the following, we go into detail for each of the module types.

Input and Output

Input and Output specify which variables are the inputs / outputs of the algorithm. All returned variables (as specified via Output), have to be either input variables or declared via Variable.

Var and Variable

Variable declares and initialized a variable. Var is an alias for Variable. Note that variables that are inputs do not have to be / cannot additionally be initialized by Var. Also, note that if it is initialized with a tensor, a batch dimension will be added and the tensor will be repeated during execution of the algorithm. For example, if the shape was [4, ], it will be changed to [B, 4, ] where B is the batch size.

λ Lambda Expressions

Key to defining an algorithm are lambda expressions (see here for a reference). They allow defining anonymous functions and therefore allow expressing computations in-place. In most cases in algovision, it is possible to write a value in terms of a lambda expressions. The name of the used variable will be inferred from the signature of the expression. For example, lambda x: x**2 will take the variable named x and return the square of it at the location where the expression is written.

Let('z', lambda x, y: x**2 + y) corresponds to the regular line of code z = x**2 + y. This also allows inserting complex external functions including neural networks as part of the lambda expression. Assuming net is a neural networks, one can write Let('y', lambda x: net(x)) (corresponding to y = net(x)).


Let is one of the core instructions as it sets the variable given as the left argument to the value of the right expression.

Let is a very flexible instruction. In its most simple form Let obtains two arguments, a string naming the variable where the result is written, and the value that may be expressed via a lambda expression.

If the lambda expression returns multiple values, e.g., because a complex function is called and has two return values, the left argument can be a list of strings. That is, Let(['a', 'b'], lamba x, y: (x+y, x-y)) corresponds to a, b = x+y, x-y.

Let also supports indexing. This is denoted by an additional list argument after the left and/or the right argument. For example, Let('a', 'array', ['i']) corresponds to a = array[i], while Let('array', ['i'], 'b') corresponds to array[i] = b. Let('array', ['i'], 'array', ['j']) corresponding to array[i] = array[j] is also supported.

Note that indexing can also be expressed through lambda expressions. For example, Let('a', 'array', ['i']) is equivalent to Let('a', lambda array, i: array[:, i]). Note how in this case the batch dimension has to be explicitly taken into account ([:, ]). Relaxed indexing on the right-hand side is only supported through lambda expressions due to its complexity. Relaxed indexing on the left-hand side is supported if exactly one probability weight tensor is in the list (e.g., Let('array', [lambda x: get_weights(x)], 'a')).

Use cases of Let




Let('a', 'x')

a = x

Variable a is set to the value of variable x.

Let('a', lambda x: x**2)

a = x**2

As soon as we compute anything on the right hand side of the equation, we need to write it as a lambda expression.

Let('a', 'array', ['i'])

a = array[i]

Indexing on the right hand requires an additional list parameter after the second argument.

Let('a', lambda array, i: array[:, i])

a = array[i]

Equivalent to the row above: indexing can also be manually done inside of a lambda expression. Note that in this case, the batch dimension has to be written explicitly.

Let('a', 'array', ['i', lambda j: j+1])

a = array[i, j+1]

Multiple indices and lambda expressions are also supported.

Let('a', 'array', [None, slice(0, None, 2)])

a = array[:, 0::2]

None and slice s are also supported.

Let('a', ['i'], 'x')

a[i] = x

Indexing can also be done on the left hand side of the equation.

Let('a', ['i'], 'x', ['j'])

a[i] = x['j']

…or on both sides.

Let(['a', 'b'], lamba x, y: (x+y, x-y))

a, b = x+y, x-y

Multiple return values are supported.