
class Let(*args)[source]
Use cases of Let




Let('a', 'x')

a = x

Variable a is set to the value of variable x.

Let('a', lambda x: x**2)

a = x**2

As soon as we compute anything on the right hand side of the equation, we need to write it as a lambda expression.

Let('a', 'array', ['i'])

a = array[i]

Indexing on the right hand requires an additional list parameter after the second argument.

Let('a', lambda array, i: array[:, i])

a = array[i]

Equivalent to the row above: indexing can also be manually done inside of a lambda expression. Note that in this case, the batch dimension has to be written explicitly.

Let('a', 'array', ['i', lambda j: j+1])

a = array[i, j+1]

Multiple indices and lambda expressions are also supported.

Let('a', 'array', [None, slice(0, None, 2)])

a = array[:, 0::2]

None and slice s are also supported.

Let('a', ['i'], 'x')

a[i] = x

Indexing can also be done on the left hand side of the equation.

Let('a', ['i'], 'x', ['j'])

a[i] = x['j']

…or on both sides.

Let(['a', 'b'], lamba x, y: (x+y, x-y))

a, b = x+y, x-y

Multiple return values are supported.


The Let module executes a lambda or arbitrary other function and writes the return values back to the specified variable.

class LetInt(*args)[source]

The LetInt module executes a lambda or arbitrary other function and writes the return values back to the specified integer variable. Valid values are integers, lists of integers, and lambda expressions returning either of the first two, or strings corresponding to variables.

class Print(function)[source]

Like Let but does not write back and is only for debug purposes.


function – lambda function.