Example: Bubble Sort

Deriving a loss from a smooth algorithm can be as easy as

from examples import get_bubble_sort
import torch

# Get an array (the first dimension is the batch dimension, which is always required)
array = torch.randn(1, 8, requires_grad=True)

bubble_sort = get_bubble_sort(beta=5)
result, loss = bubble_sort(array)


Here, the loss is a sorting loss corresponding to the number of swaps in the bubble sort algorithm. But we can also define this algorithm from scratch:

from algovision import (
    Algorithm, Input, Output, Var, VarInt,  # core
    GT, IsTrue,                       # conditions
    If, While, For,           # control_structures
    Let, LetInt,                       # functions
import torch

bubble_sort = Algorithm(
    # Define the variables the input corresponds to
    # Declare and initialize all differentiable variables
    Var('a',        torch.tensor(0.)),
    Var('b',        torch.tensor(0.)),
    Var('swapped',  torch.tensor(1.)),
    Var('loss',     torch.tensor(0.)),
    # Declare and initialize a hard integer variable (VarInt) for the control flow.
    # It can be defined in terms of a lambda expression. The required variables
    # are automatically inferred from the signature of the lambda expression.
    VarInt('n', lambda array: array.shape[1] - 1),
    # Start a relaxed While loop:
        # Set `swapped` to 0 / False
        Let('swapped', 0),
        # Start an unrolled For loop. Corresponds to `for i in range(n):`
        For('i', 'n',
            # Set `a` to the `i`th element of `array`
            Let('a', 'array', ['i']),
            # Using an inplace lambda expression, we can include computations
            # based on variables to obtain the element at position i+1.
            Let('b', 'array', [lambda i: i+1]),
            # An If-Else statement with the condition a > b
            If(GT('a', 'b'),
                   # Set the i+1 th element of array to a
                   Let('array', [lambda i: i + 1], 'a'),
                   # Set the i th element of array to b
                   Let('array', ['i'], 'b'),
                   # Set swapped to 1 / True
                   Let('swapped', 1.),
                   # Increment the loss by 1 using a lambda expression
                   Let('loss', lambda loss: loss + 1.),
        # Decrement the hard integer variable n by 1
        LetInt('n', lambda n: n-1),
    # Define what the algorithm should return
    # Set the inverse temperature beta